Source code for jps.publisher

import zmq
from zmq.utils.strtypes import cast_bytes

from .common import Error
from .env import get_master_host
from .env import get_pub_port
from .env import get_topic_suffix
from .env import get_default_serializer
from .env import get_remapped_topic_name

[docs]class Publisher(object): '''Publishes data for a topic. Example: >>> pub = jps.Publisher('special_topic') >>> pub.publish('{"name": "hoge"}') :param topic_name: Topic name :param host: host of subscriber/forwarder :param pub_port: port of subscriber/forwarder :param serializer: this function is applied before publish (default: None) ''' def __init__(self, topic_name, host=None, pub_port=None, serializer='DEFAULT'): topic_name = get_remapped_topic_name(topic_name) if topic_name.count(' '): raise Error('you can\'t use " " for topic_name') if topic_name == '': raise Error('empty topic name is not supported') if host is None: host = get_master_host() if pub_port is None: pub_port = get_pub_port() if serializer is 'DEFAULT': serializer = get_default_serializer() self._serializer = serializer context = zmq.Context() self._socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) self._socket.connect( 'tcp://{host}:{port}'.format(host=host, port=pub_port)) self._topic = cast_bytes(topic_name + get_topic_suffix())
[docs] def publish(self, payload): '''Publish payload to the topic .. note:: If you publishes just after creating Publisher instance, it will causes lost of message. You have to add sleep if you just want to publish once. >>> pub = jps.Publisher('topic') >>> time.sleep(0.1) >>> pub.publish('{data}') :param payload: data to be published. This is ok if the data is not json. ''' if self._serializer is not None: payload = self._serializer(payload) if self._topic == '*': # special case for publish everything msg = payload else: msg = '{topic} {data}'.format(topic=self._topic, data=payload) self._socket.send(cast_bytes(msg))